Friday, January 28, 2011


Just got the call!!! We are FINALLY going to get a car tomorrow after our last one caught on fire and was totaled in November. It's such a relief and a blessing I just can't even begin to put into words how wonderful it is! Today's been a little crazy and that phone call made it all worth while! The lady who helped us, also helped our friends on base and their parents, so we knew we definately wanted her help and she promised us from day one she could get us a car. This lady has connections. I have no clue how, nor do I really care because either way, we need a car and we need it asap. It's been horrible without a car, not being able to leave the house unless I wanna walk a mile in the blistering sun to get where I need to go, which that wasn't even the problem, the problem was, the only place I really needed to go was the grocery store and well, Brailey's stroller just wasn't big enough for what we need, not to mention I would have to push it all up the hill to our apartment and that just wasn't happening. So I'm beyond ecstatic to have gotten that phone call. On another note, we put Brailey down for the night and about thirty minutes later she woke up crying, I was checking the mail and came back in to Bryce putting her back down. That was fine by me, mommy is TIRED, I have no clue how people do it with multiple kids, but I guess I have multiple kids you could say because on top of Brailey, I have an absolutely devil named Diesel that my husband just COULDN'T live without and then there's little Chanel my awesome german shepherd pup and Sadie who is an absolute sweetheart, they're all my kids I guess... Anywho ( I have a tendency to sidetrack :) Bryce goes in to put her back down, I'm waiting for him... and waiting.. still waiting... waiting some more... yep still waiting.. Until finally I have a feeling... I was right, I went in and found both them passed out in her crib. Whatta day :]

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